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Learning About Podiatry

Hi there, my name is Frazier. I am happy to share my knowledge about podiatry on this site. My feet have always been in poor shape. When I was a toddler, my parents had my club foot fixed by a surgeon. Since then, I have required ongoing care from a podiatrist. The podiatrist monitors the health of my feet on yearly basis. I have to wear orthotics to keep my foot supported with every step I take. I will use this site to talk about all of the care and treatment options provided by podiatrists. Hopefully your feet stay healthy so you can stay happy.

If You Must Wear Heels, Follow These Tips To Make It Easier On Your Feet

It's no secret that wearing heels is bad for your feet and legs. Heels can lead to superficial ailments like blisters and corns and also more internal problems like bunions and plantar fasciitis. However, there are still situations where social norms call for wearing heels. If you must wear heels, at least follow these tips to make the experience somewhat easier on your feet.

Make sure they fit.

When heels are not fitted properly, your foot tends to slide forward in them, putting more pressure on your toes. Over time, this can cause hammertoe. In the short-term, it can cause ingrown toenails and blisters on the fronts of your toes. Stay away from heels that feel like they're too wide or too long. They should fit snugly around your foot without putting any overt pressure on any area. Shop at a store that offers varying widths, not just varying lengths of heels. For instance, you might be an A or C width, but cheaper shoe stores often only carry B width shoes, which may not fit you well.

Don't walk excessively in your heels.

Sitting or standing in heels is one thing. Walking a mile in them is quite another. Keep a pair of flats in your bag to put on if you have to walk a further distance. This is a good strategy to turn to if you wear heels to work. You can wear your flats during the commute, and then slip the heels on when you arrive to the office. When you walk down the street to lunch, you can put the flats back on.

Put a gel insert in the bottom of the shoe.

Head to your local pharmacy and purchase a pair of gel inserts to put in your heels. These will add a little cushioning to your soles, helping to prevent problems like plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. The cushioning may also guard against shin splints and other leg ailments. In addition, try to choose lower heels whenever possible. One-inch heels are not as bad for your feet as four-inch stilettos. The wider the actual heel, the more support it offers, too.

If you're consistently expected to wear heels for work, try talking to your supervisor or HR department about this expectation. Bring up the fact that heels are bad for your feet, legs, and back. You may even want to go as far as getting a note from your podiatrist stating that you can't wear heels due to ongoing foot problems.