Learning About Podiatry Learning About Podiatry

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Learning About Podiatry

Hi there, my name is Frazier. I am happy to share my knowledge about podiatry on this site. My feet have always been in poor shape. When I was a toddler, my parents had my club foot fixed by a surgeon. Since then, I have required ongoing care from a podiatrist. The podiatrist monitors the health of my feet on yearly basis. I have to wear orthotics to keep my foot supported with every step I take. I will use this site to talk about all of the care and treatment options provided by podiatrists. Hopefully your feet stay healthy so you can stay happy.

Cracked And Bleeding: Can Anything Be Done For Your Torturously Painful Feet?

Your feet are like the wheels on a car: Without good treads, you really can't go anywhere. If the skin on your soles are cracked to the point of bleeding, you need help, fast. Just like that car, your treads need to be in good form, lest you grimace in pain with every step.

Understand The Origins Of Your Deeply Dehydrated And Disturbed Skin

Unfortunately, genetics or disease may play a role in your painful predicament. Still, there are remedies for eczema, psoriasis and other skin-related ailments, making it essential that you know what's causing the condition. 

Take Precautions Against Worsening The Condition Every Day

No matter what brought your skin problem about, there are things you can do to avoid exacerbating the issue and you should go out of your way to do them:

  • Wear well-fitting, practical shoes 
  • Don't go barefoot
  • Opt for cotton (as opposed to synthetic) socks
  • Don't stand on your feet for hours on end
  • Ensure you're not deficient in the important vitamins that give skin its strength, such as A, C, D, E and K
  • Stretch every so often, to boost circulation
  • Work at losing extra weight, if applicable

It's often challenging to prioritize your feet throughout and at the end of a busy day; however, if you don't stop to take care of them, they will stop taking care of you and that's a conundrum nobody wants.

Talk To A Podiatrist About Your Problem

Quick as a wink, a podiatrist can remove the dead, cracked and hardened skin on the bottom of your feet, leaving them smooth and soft once more. This procedure is fairly free from discomfort and can be accomplished before your lunch hour is over. Once those tootsies are better, they'll need extra TLC, to keep them in the shape that'll keep you going, without the pain.

A podiatrist will also let you know what the best lotions are to apply to your freshly-finessed feet, or, if needed, which heel cups or other inserts may work well for your particular circumstances. 

Be Proactive About Prevention

You may need a special exfoliant, supplements, new shoes and even a new diet, in addition to a gadget or two. Whatever the case, be proactive about your foot health, including arming yourself with the knowledge needed to nip new problems in the bud, so they don't balloon into the bigger issues that cause so much agony, ever again. 

You wouldn't (hopefully) drive your car around if the treads on the tires were torn and shredded, nor should you walk around with the skin on your feet in the same condition. Find a regimen that cares deeply for your feet, but don't hesitate to see a podiatrist, especially if you're in pain. It can take a long while to heal cracked and bleeding skin on your own; thus, it's good to know when to call a professional.